We asked the candidates for next year’s ASB president and vice president why students should vote for them. Here are their answers, in their own words, with edits for clarity and grammar.
Hi! My name is Arielle Jackson. I am a junior in SAS and I am running to be your ASB President. I am the most qualified candidate because I have the experience, drive, and passion to improve our school. I have had my hand in almost every aspect of this school. I’ve joined countless clubs and created one of my own, taken part in many community service events, have been in ASB for 2 years, and have participated in the arts program. With this experience, I can make educated decisions that will positively improve your experience next year. As your president, I will listen to your ideas and work to execute them in the best way I can. I promise many more pep rallies, dances, fairs, and much more. My plans for next year include building an alumni network and creating a better relationship with members and businesses in our community. This could increase funding, internships, and events for our students. I also plan to fight back against bathroom closures which I hope will increase student morale and attendance. The largest contribution I want to make next year is to improve ASB. During my time in ASB, I’ve spearheaded homecoming and other large events and was elected a spot in the cabinet as ASB secretary. I want to fix our organization, communication, and accountability. I plan to structure ASB to improve the quality of events, clubs, sports, fundraisers, and community involvement. A vote for me is a vote for the betterment of our school. So, vote for the best, vote for Arielle Jackson!