Many people say being a boy is harder because of the expectations. Boys are expected to be strong, to always protect others, be fearless, work hard, and show no weakness. Girls are expected to be at home and to serve these men. However, that reality is the opposite for many girls who want to finish school, get a degree, and make their family proud without a man.
Growing up as a girl is still difficult. Boys think we are weak just because we are girls. Many people believe girls shouldn’t play sports because we aren’t as rough. There are many different sports, and I believe they can be for anyone as long as everyone is enjoying themselves.
There are many standards for girls. Most expect us to want to be housewives and not work; people want us women to be able to give all of our time and everything to a man who deserves nothing. Men expect women to put their pride to the side for them.
Some women want to be able to get through life by themselves, to not depend on a man. When you are a woman who has her own and doesn’t need a man to give her money or approval is a woman who works hard for herself.
One day you can have a man who will give you everything, but when you are so dependent on a man, it’s going to be difficult to be able to stand on your own two feet when he leaves with everything he provided.
From an early age, my mother always told me this—a man can be there one day and be gone the next. Having your own home, car, and a degree will be everything you need in life to succeed because no one can take away your hard work.
It’s also difficult for actress and female artist because people find them not as interesting because they don’t think girls can make good music or good movies. They are compared to big artists who are men and who have had many good opportunities. Now, there are a lot more female role models that have had their struggles to become who they are today.
If people didn’t care about gender when it came to sports or competitive things, it would help girls feel more comfortable doing things and putting themselves out there. I feel like a lot of people don’t understand that putting yourself out there can be terrifying because of the fear of what people can say and think.