The ability to create a world through music is a gift not everyone has, but AMPA junior Kayla Pincus was born with it. She comes from a family of talent and the apple clearly doesn’t fall from the tree. Whether she’s singing, modeling, playing an instrument, or showcasing her creative abilities: she puts her soul into everything she does, and it’s gotten her far.
And by far, I mean she has gained opportunities most girls could only dream of. Kayla can now cross performing at the Grammy Museum off her bucket list, along with being a streamed artist.
Even though Kayla is currently surrounded with opportunity, her love for creating is not new. Whether in a small studio with her mom, or in front of a crowd, she’s been singing as long as she could speak and has loved it “ever since I could open my mouth.” She inherited her voice from her mother, a producer, singer, and songwriter who Kayla understandably claims as “her biggest influence.” Her mom has worked with many artists such as Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre, Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey, Tupac, and Mariah Carey.
Kayla’s family shapes who she is today. “I’m mainly black, Jewish, and Asian, but I’m also mixed with a lot of other things. My parents raised me with these cultures, and it reflects throughout my music taste and my style,” explained Kayla.
As a kid, she would join in with her mother’s singing routine, sometimes accompanied by her sisters as well. Her career began at three, when she first recorded an ABC remix alongside her sisters and mother. She even went on to earn an award in an elementary school show for her handwritten song “Cleaning is the best thing” at the age of six. She dreams of being a performer and takes great inspiration from Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, and Hiatus Kaiyote. “Michael’s essence, Whitney’s bold voice, Mariah’s runs, Hiatus Kaiyote’s unique jazzy influence” are all traits she says she admires.
Although singing is her most recognized talent, her hobbies extend into other areas. For instance, basketball. “I’ve been playing it since I was four. It’s something my dad and I bonded over when I was little.” For Kayla, basketball was not only a pasttime. She played point guard on an Amateur Athletic Union team for several years, and even won nationals with her team. Being a professional basketball player was once a dream of hers, but she decided music is something she’s much more happy pursuing. “Basketball is a big commitment and doesn’t allow for flexibility in my schedule,” Kayla said. However, she added that the sport will always hold a special place in her heart.
Apart from participating in activities for fun, she also uses her hobbies for activism. She collaborated recently with Resolve Los Angeles, an organization that hosted a drug recovery fashion show. “Being able to use my talents to help others left this to be a night I’ll never forget,” seh said.
Kayla performed a set, ultimately helping to raise thousands of dollars for a recovery center in Pasadena. Now, she does content creation and modeling for them as well.

SAS senior Jessica Hernandez-Blancas said Kayla’s growth is inspiring. “Seeing her perform at the Grammy Museum [Jan. 27] was a breathtaking experience and I highly commend and applaud her for her angelic voice and the deep connection she has with her music,” Jessica said. “She’s a busy lady, but she can do it all, and that quality needs to be appreciated more.”
Looking forward, Kayla hopes to be a professional artist, musician, and model, all while “finding ways to help my community and the world through my talents.”