LAUSD food just might be getting better
Most schools in California are beginning to improve the lunch they serve at school this year.What started this is that the state is funding California districts to ramp up food production, which upgrades the menu using more fresh ingredients.
The following includes various reviews of food you may be served at an LAUSD school.
The Burger has a nice crisp patty underneath the burger, but the top is pretty squishy. The meat is a 4/10, the bottom patty 6, and overall the burger is a 7/10.
Apple slices are decent, they have good flavor, they’re juicy and tasty: 8/10
Onto fried chicken. The skin is crunchy, but it could be more crispy. The inside could be better and have more flavor: 8/10
This next meal consists of spicy chicken strips, which were pretty dry, but they didn’t taste that bad. The spice is there, but not much of the flavor in the chicken strips: 6/10. The meal also included a corn muffin which honestly didn’t taste that good: 2/10. It also included a biscuit which didn’t look appealing, it looked dirty and beat up. It was pretty bad, and had no flavor: 1/10
The next meal consisted of a meatball sub which had a cheese flavor which I quite enjoyed. Unfortunately, the bread was a bit crusty, but the meatballs were tasty. Overall the meatball sub was a 6/10. The meal also had a burrito that was not warmed up properly so it was just not for me: 4/10.
The final meal had pepperoni pizza with cheese that was serviceable and crust that was a little bit dry: 7/10. It also had a cookie as a little bonus. Unfortunately, it tasted like crunchy oatmeal with a little bit of cinnamon: 5/10.
I can definitely tell that the district of LAUSD is improving its food offerings over time. I remember years ago that the schools of LAUSD didn’t provide the best food daily but now they are improving. If LAUSD schools can improve over time, then many of the students will choose to eat the school lunch.

Mark Patricio Joaquin is a columnist for The Federalist. He is an 11th grader in BIT at Alexander Hamilton Senior High. Mark is interested in other people's...